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Pop Goes the Vet with Dr. Joya 시즌1


Pop Goes the Vet with Dr. Joya 시즌1

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카테고리: OTT

줄거리: Pus, gunk & goo! Dermatologist Dr. Joya & her protégé Dr. Jeff see it all—and the grosser the better! From impacted earwax to oozing cysts to massive hair loss, there’s no case too mysterious or bizarre for this Kentucky-based team. They put on their detective hats & investigate the largest organ in an animal’s body—the skin—to get our four-legged friends back to living their best lives.

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가십걸 시즌1-16화 <마이 브라더>
Spotted, Jenny Humphrey wading in the Met fountain, fishing for change. Blair Waldorf seen dallying with an off-duty doorman... at the Blarney... This is the last item that goes to press without proof. 블레어와 제니의 공포탄 전투가 또 시작되나? 다투는 소식 전하는 일도...
Charles Fowlkes(찰스 폴크스, baritone sax)
Hour with Sammy Davis, Jr. (Verve, 1965) Pop Goes the Basie (Reprise, 1965) Basie Meets Bond (United Artists, 1966) Live at the Sands... Frank Foster, Billy Mitchell (ts); Charlie Fowlkes (bar); Count Basie (p); Freddie Green (g); Eddie Jones (b); Sonny Payne (dr).

누누티비 레벨 1


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완전 강추해요^^
  • Pop Goes the Vet with Dr. Joya 시즌1
여기 짱이네 재미있게 잘봤어요~
  • Pop Goes the Vet with Dr. Joya 시즌1
앞으로 자주와서 보고 갈께요~^^
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